Ceallaigh's Blog

Thursday, January 9, 2025

I'm extremely fortunate that I've been able to complete my PhD and transition into the life of an artist scholar, as I had hoped I would. These last few weeks have been filled with music, as I'm preparing to finally release remixed, remastered, and in some cases re-performed versions of the Child Ballads I recorded for the Folklore & Fiction podcast. I write this from my little sound studio, where I have been working for the last two weeks, and I'll hope to return to writing The Storyteller's Guide to Folklore on Monday.
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Dear Friends,

This is just a year-end note to let you all know where the Folklore & Fiction project stands. The new website is almost done, which means the Folkbyte newsletter and short educational videos will resume in the new year. As I'll mention in January's Folkbyte, my web hosting plan and dated website were not robust enough to handle the influx of subscribers this year, and they finally gave up the ghost. But I'm fortunate to be married to a world-class software engineer and web developer, who has been working through evenings and weekends to build a new bespoke website for me. I can't wait to show it to you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Greetings All!

This is a good news/bad news sort of post. The good news is that the Folklore & Fiction website has been moved to a new virtual private server! The bad news is that the Folklore & Fiction archive and newsletter infrastructure are taking longer to upgrade than anticipated.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hello, lovely people, and welcome to the September 2024 edition of the Folkbyte newsletter. This month, the Seven of Pentacles is the newsletter mascot for our wee crow's focus on filling his nest with shiny things. The counsel this card offers is to focus on long-term projects that have the greatest potential for success, and I'm working hard to wrap a few short-term projects so I can do just that. Here's all the news on offer this month.

Monday, July 29, 2024

"Through careful conservation of energy, the engines of creation move forward."

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Greetings, All!

Welcome to the July 2024 Folkbyte newsletter. I have news on The Storyteller's Guide to Folklore (plus an excerpt!), The Songwriter's Guide to Folklore, and The Folklore & Fiction Ballads EP. Onward!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I have been made aware of allegations regarding the plagiarism of my work; specifically, that my concerns are unfounded and that I have engaged in bullying and harassment of the guilty party. I am writing to reassure you that this is untrue. I have three years of receipts that clearly demonstrate idea mining of my work in the Folklore & Fiction project, and these have been reviewed by academic and legal professionals who agree with my assessment of the materials. I have also been offered the opportunity to pursue the matter in a public inquiry, but after consultation with those who made this offer, I decided to keep the peace. At the time, I was a graduate student with a heavy workload, and I preferred to keep the delicate detente where it stood. Both parties had exchanged letters through their respective attorneys, and I had demonstrated a willingness to defend my work, so I saw no reason to pursue the matter as long as the guilty party left that work alone going forward.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Greetings, All!

This month's Folkbyte newsletter will be brief, as I only have two announcements. First, I wanted to let you know that yesterday, I successfully defended my dissertation and became a Doctor of Folklore. (Not quite a Time Lord, but I did my best.)

Monday, April 1, 2024

Greetings and welcome to the April 2024 Folkbyte newsletter. I have news on the dissertation and The Storyteller's Guide to Folklore fronts, an excerpt from my preliminary research for The Songwriter's Guide to Folklore, and a monthly Folkbyte newsletter video to share. Onward!
